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"Was ist denn bloß an der Uni Lüneburg los? Erst wurde die frühere Pädagogische Hochschule und spätere Universität in Leuphana, der Name einer antiken Siedlung an der Elbe, umbenannt. Dann wurde im Oktober der ehemalige Präsident der USA, Jimmy Carter, eingeflogen, um die Erstsemester zu begrüßen. Im kommenden Dezember soll gar Arnold Schwarzenegger dort verraten, wie er das Bildungssystem in Kalifornien erfolgreich umgebaut hat. Und während der Uni-Präsident Sascha Spoun emsig dabei ist, die Hochschule und ihr Image völlig umzukrempeln, soll demnächst ein vom Star-Architekten Daniel Libeskind entworfener Audimax entstehen. "Es wird ein Leuchtturm werden", sagt dazu Libeskind. Das behauptet jedenfalls die vermeintlich offizielle Webseite der Hochschule." (Quelle: Telepolis, 19.11.2007)

Die neue Lüneburger Uni hat ihren starken Auftritt hier und bei YouTube:

kg2u meinte am 21. Nov, 00:37:
Netzwerk Cultura21- Newsletter -Nr. 3b - Oktober 2007
Dear Cultura21-ers,

As "seen in Venice", I'd like to invite you to visit the website of the project "Leuphana21", an identity correction Tactical Media project by the students group 'Cultura21 Lüneburg'.

The first phase of the project (call it the disinformation phase) ends today! It consisted (1) in the video and website in both German and English language (on our own website and on Youtube), (2) in the very successful spreading of a rumor claiming that this was a PR organized by the University Praesidium and paid for with student fees, (3) in the writing of the website's address with chalk, in the city and on the campus, on the street's floor... and (4) in the installation of a 'construction info-panel' on the campus announced the next high-rise auditorium by Star architect Libeskind... This panel was not removed by the campus authorities but it was vandalized after a few days by someone who wrote "Libeskind Leuphanazi, no more democracy in the University"...

Everybody in the campus is talking about this satire and its unknown makers. Even the university Senate talked about it in their official October meeting and the President had to officially deny any involvement in the making of this video! Several blogs, forums, and even the Youtube page of the video are taken up by students discussing this university reform and its evils...

Thus we consider the first phase to be a great success. In this first phase, 8000 people have watched the video so far...

Tomorrow (or a bit later in the week if we are late) starts the second phase. The second phase moves into a more traditional 'constructive criticism', with explicit texts and discussions.In the second phase, what will change online (that you can see by yourself) is that we will add more webpages on our website, with an explanation 'about us', a proposal for "another Leuphana is possible", some comments about our "PR video" from the "ASTA-Politik Referat" and from the "Halle fuer Kunst", and an interactive forum/wiki... There may also be a number of on-site public events in the coming 2 months, depending on the will and imagination of the members of the local group Cultura21 Lüneburg and on the proposals by other students who are enlivened by our campaign...

Here are the Weblinks:

On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/L21LG

The Leuphana21 Website: https://www.leuphana.de.vu


via feroce.e.pericoloso 

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