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Monty Cantsin
Revisiting Neoist Irritainment
No. 1: "Neoist Guide Dog" | "Neoistischer Blindenhund"
Performance mit Cornelia Sollfrank
Freitag, 7. Juli 2006, 18 Uhr
Phoenix-Einkaufscenter Harburg
Hannoversche Straße 86, Hamburg-Harburg
Treffpunkt Haupteingang Hannoversche Straße
Wiederholung von:
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, »Neoist Guide Dog«
Straßenaktion mit Gail Litfin (Litvinov),
London, 1984
Monty Cantsin
Revisiting Neoist Irritainment
No. 1: "Neoist Guide Dog" | "Neoistischer Blindenhund"
Performance mit Cornelia Sollfrank
Freitag, 7. Juli 2006, 18 Uhr
Phoenix-Einkaufscenter Harburg
Hannoversche Straße 86, Hamburg-Harburg
Treffpunkt Haupteingang Hannoversche Straße
Wiederholung von:
tENTATIVELY, a cONVENIENCE, »Neoist Guide Dog«
Straßenaktion mit Gail Litfin (Litvinov),
London, 1984
He was traveling, he said, with a friend who is considered legally blind.[https://www.hi-beam.net/mkr/tac/tENTHonolulu.html]
"When we were travelling together, I was her Seeing Eye dog. So I decided to do something to exploit the situation, to take her blindness, something depressing, and turn it into something positive and humorous." Tent explained.
"I bought [...] a harness and leash and I actually became the dog."
Because blind people with Seeing Eye dogs ride free on London buses, part of the improvisation was to see how the conductor would react. Tent crawled on all fours up the steps of the bus, his leash in the hand of his blind friend.
With true British stoicism, the conductor didn't bat an eye and walked right past them. They only reaction came as they were boarding the bus, from a real dog who barked at Tent in his German shepherd stance.
florian_cramer - am Freitag, 7. Juli 2006, 07:15 - Rubrik: Neoismus
florian_cramer meinte am 8. Jul, 22:20:
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